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Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Elephants are the worlds largest land animals.A elephants ears are so big so that it can scer animals away so that the elephants can prtec there bady elephants. There tusks are for pikeing bark off the trees and to win a fight  so it can join a herd. The trunk is for piking branches,leaves from the tree top and to pink the branches,leaves for the bady elephants.


  1. I love my blog so much so ever one you goes on my blog they are cool and awesome from Quanah.

  2. Hi Quanah,
    It would be great to see the rest of your report typed up! Remember the different paragraphs we were including- physical features (what it looks like), habitat (where they live), food, predators, reproduction, social behaviour and how they interact with humans.
    What pictures do you think might help your reader to understand your text more?
